Linklerin üzerine gelindiğinde baloncuk cıkar
#link1_tooltip {
position: relative;
width: 150px;
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: red;
#span1_tooltip {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
border: 2px solid blue;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: yellow;
.fauxLink {
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
<p>Using <a id="link1" href="" class="tooltip">links</a> for Easy DHTML ToolTips,<br>
and using <span id="span1" class="fauxLink tooltip">spans</span> for Easy DHTML ToolTips.</p>
<div id="link1_tooltip">
<p>Link tooltip content...</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p>
<div id="span1_tooltip">
<p>Span tooltip content...</p>
<p>Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
Created by: Dave Clark | http://www.DaveClarkConsulting.comLicensed under: U.S. Copyright
Easy DHTML ToolTips * by Dave Clark I (a.k.a., MrNobody) * Copyright (c) 2009 * All Rights Reserved
Author: Dave Clark Consulting
Location: Terra Bella, CA, USA
Right to copy, use, and distribute (for free) granted as long as this header remains intact.
To use, link this JavaScript external library file at the end of your page's BODY section.
Then, just give your link, span, etc., a unique id and a special class value which
identifies that HTML element as having an associated tooltip. The association is made
by giving the associated tooltip element an id which is a combination of the original
element's id and special class with an underscore character between them. For example:
You have a word or phrase which should have a tooltip displayed. You can wrap that word
or phrase in SPAN tags and give the SPAN tag an id of "span1" and use "tooltip" as the
special class value. Then you would define a DIV whose content is to be the tooltip.
That DIV would be given an id of "span1_tooltip" in order to associate it with the SPAN.
var MyEasyToolTips = new EasyToolTips('tooltip', 'MyEasyToolTips');
function EasyToolTips(className, usrObjName) { // Easy Tool Tips Constructor Function
var strict = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollHeight && document.documentElement.scrollHeight > 0;
var toolid, dAttrs = (strict) ? document.documentElement : document.body;
GenEasyToolTips(document.links, this);
GenEasyToolTips(document.getElementsByTagName("SPAN"), this);
function GenEasyToolTips(list, output) {
var x, tip, len = list.length; // find out how many items in list
for (x=0; x<len; ++x) { // loop on document links to find tooltips
if(list[x].id // link must have an id
&& list[x].id > " " // which is greater than blanks
&& list[x].className // and a class name
&& list[x].className.indexOf(className) >= 0 // containing the specified class name
&& (tip = document.getElementById(toolid=(list[x].id+"_"+className)))) { // associated tool tip is link id + _className
output[toolid] = new EasyToolTip(list[x], tip); // generate an easy tool tip entry
} = function(tooltip, event) { // generic tooltip show function = "block"; // show tooltip
var tx = event.clientX + 10 + dAttrs.scrollLeft; // initial tooltip x placement
var ty = event.clientY + 10 + dAttrs.scrollTop; // initial tooltip y placement
var dx = dAttrs.clientWidth + dAttrs.scrollLeft; // current document x max viewable
var dy = dAttrs.clientHeight + dAttrs.scrollTop; // current document y max viewable
if (tx+tooltip.offsetWidth > dx) tx = dx - tooltip.offsetWidth;
if (ty+tooltip.offsetHeight > dy) ty = event.clientY - 5 - tooltip.offsetHeight + dAttrs.scrollTop; = tx + "px"; // final tooltip x placement = ty + "px"; // final tooltip y placement
event.cancelBubble = true; // cancel event bubbling
return false; // skip any other event handling
output.hide = function(tooltip, event) { // generic tooltip hide function = "none"; // hide tooltip
event.cancelBubble = true; // cancel event bubbling
return false; // skip any other event handling
function EasyToolTip(owner, tooltip) { // generate an easy tool tip entry = "none"; // start tooltip off as non-display = "absolute"; // tooltip will be absolutely positioned = "+2"; // tooltip will float above document content = "0px"; // start tooltip off at document left = "0px"; // start tooltip off at document top
this.easytip = tooltip; // save a pointer to the tooltip
if (window.Event) { // if there is a static Event object then event-time event block is passed to handler
owner.onmouseover = new Function("event", "return "+usrObjName+".show("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
owner.onmouseout = new Function("event", "return "+usrObjName+".hide("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
} else { // else event-time event block is global
owner.onmouseover = new Function("return "+usrObjName+".show("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
owner.onmouseout = new Function("return "+usrObjName+".hide("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
#link1_tooltip {
position: relative;
width: 150px;
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: red;
#span1_tooltip {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
border: 2px solid blue;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: yellow;
.fauxLink {
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
<p>Using <a id="link1" href="" class="tooltip">links</a> for Easy DHTML ToolTips,<br>
and using <span id="span1" class="fauxLink tooltip">spans</span> for Easy DHTML ToolTips.</p>
<div id="link1_tooltip">
<p>Link tooltip content...</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p>
<div id="span1_tooltip">
<p>Span tooltip content...</p>
<p>Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
Created by: Dave Clark | http://www.DaveClarkConsulting.comLicensed under: U.S. Copyright
Easy DHTML ToolTips * by Dave Clark I (a.k.a., MrNobody) * Copyright (c) 2009 * All Rights Reserved
Author: Dave Clark Consulting
Location: Terra Bella, CA, USA
Right to copy, use, and distribute (for free) granted as long as this header remains intact.
To use, link this JavaScript external library file at the end of your page's BODY section.
Then, just give your link, span, etc., a unique id and a special class value which
identifies that HTML element as having an associated tooltip. The association is made
by giving the associated tooltip element an id which is a combination of the original
element's id and special class with an underscore character between them. For example:
You have a word or phrase which should have a tooltip displayed. You can wrap that word
or phrase in SPAN tags and give the SPAN tag an id of "span1" and use "tooltip" as the
special class value. Then you would define a DIV whose content is to be the tooltip.
That DIV would be given an id of "span1_tooltip" in order to associate it with the SPAN.
var MyEasyToolTips = new EasyToolTips('tooltip', 'MyEasyToolTips');
function EasyToolTips(className, usrObjName) { // Easy Tool Tips Constructor Function
var strict = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollHeight && document.documentElement.scrollHeight > 0;
var toolid, dAttrs = (strict) ? document.documentElement : document.body;
GenEasyToolTips(document.links, this);
GenEasyToolTips(document.getElementsByTagName("SPAN"), this);
function GenEasyToolTips(list, output) {
var x, tip, len = list.length; // find out how many items in list
for (x=0; x<len; ++x) { // loop on document links to find tooltips
if(list[x].id // link must have an id
&& list[x].id > " " // which is greater than blanks
&& list[x].className // and a class name
&& list[x].className.indexOf(className) >= 0 // containing the specified class name
&& (tip = document.getElementById(toolid=(list[x].id+"_"+className)))) { // associated tool tip is link id + _className
output[toolid] = new EasyToolTip(list[x], tip); // generate an easy tool tip entry
} = function(tooltip, event) { // generic tooltip show function = "block"; // show tooltip
var tx = event.clientX + 10 + dAttrs.scrollLeft; // initial tooltip x placement
var ty = event.clientY + 10 + dAttrs.scrollTop; // initial tooltip y placement
var dx = dAttrs.clientWidth + dAttrs.scrollLeft; // current document x max viewable
var dy = dAttrs.clientHeight + dAttrs.scrollTop; // current document y max viewable
if (tx+tooltip.offsetWidth > dx) tx = dx - tooltip.offsetWidth;
if (ty+tooltip.offsetHeight > dy) ty = event.clientY - 5 - tooltip.offsetHeight + dAttrs.scrollTop; = tx + "px"; // final tooltip x placement = ty + "px"; // final tooltip y placement
event.cancelBubble = true; // cancel event bubbling
return false; // skip any other event handling
output.hide = function(tooltip, event) { // generic tooltip hide function = "none"; // hide tooltip
event.cancelBubble = true; // cancel event bubbling
return false; // skip any other event handling
function EasyToolTip(owner, tooltip) { // generate an easy tool tip entry = "none"; // start tooltip off as non-display = "absolute"; // tooltip will be absolutely positioned = "+2"; // tooltip will float above document content = "0px"; // start tooltip off at document left = "0px"; // start tooltip off at document top
this.easytip = tooltip; // save a pointer to the tooltip
if (window.Event) { // if there is a static Event object then event-time event block is passed to handler
owner.onmouseover = new Function("event", "return "+usrObjName+".show("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
owner.onmouseout = new Function("event", "return "+usrObjName+".hide("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
} else { // else event-time event block is global
owner.onmouseover = new Function("return "+usrObjName+".show("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");
owner.onmouseout = new Function("return "+usrObjName+".hide("+usrObjName+"['"+toolid+"'].easytip, event)");